When you surrender your vehicle, the lender will typically sell it to recover the outstanding loan balance. Any shortfall (the difference between the sale price and the amount you owe) will still be your responsibility, but surrendering is often less damaging to your credit profile than forced repossession.
Most Debts Precribe in 3 Years, however certain debts, such as those related to mortgages or maintenance payments, may have a longer prescription period.
One of the most immediate and severe consequences of ignoring a summons in South Africa is the risk of a default judgment. If you fail to respond to a summons within the prescribed time frame (usually 10-20 days), the court may proceed without your input and issue a default judgment in favor of the creditor.
They offer legal recognition, clarity, and enforceability, making debt recovery more streamlined and efficient. Regardless of the magnitude of the debt, these agreements provide a flexible tool for managing and recovering owed amounts, contributing to a more transparent and trustworthy financial environment.
Debt collection by attorneys in South Africa serves as a crucial mechanism to recover outstanding debts when traditional methods fail. By navigating the legal framework and employing professional expertise, attorneys provide a vital service to both creditors and debtors.
Where the Creditor is in possession of a Liquid Document (valid acknowledgment of debt), our law provides for curtailment of proceedings because an acknowledgment of debt is regarded as prima-facie evidence of indebtedness. Our law provides for quick remedies in cases where the Creditor holds a Liquid document.