Any antenuptial contract concluded after a valid customary marriage will not be valid. As a result, parties who pay lobola and celebrate without entering into an antenuptial contract risk their marriage being in community of property by default.
Do you need a will or a family trust? The answer depends on individual circumstances, financial goals, and the commitment to compliance with SARS regulations. While family trusts can offer significant benefits in terms of wealth protection and distribution, they also come with associated costs and complexities.
Are you planning to pay Lobola this Easter Holiday season? Whether you're diving in with a half payment or going full throttle, buckle up for a wild ride through the legal jungle of lobola and customary marriage.
The executor of your estate is entitled to remuneration, which can amount to up to 3.5% plus VAT of your gross estate, as well as 6% plus VAT on income accrued and collected after your death.
Transfer Assets Correctly: When transferring assets into the trust, it's important to follow the proper legal procedures to ensure that the transfer is valid and legally binding.
In South Africa, either spouse can initiate divorce proceedings without the explicit consent of the other. This means that, unlike in some other countries, a reluctant partner cannot veto the divorce simply by refusing to sign papers.
Divorce isn't just about ending a marriage, it's about opening the door to a new chapter. And sometimes that comes with a price tag, but it's worth every penny.
The parties’ business interests are included as part of the joint estate for the purpose of divorce. Each spouse’s shareholding in the business is the relevant factor in the calculation of the joint estate.