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Our Story

Our Story at MJM Attorneys INC is a tale of determination, resilience, and a commitment to justice. Founded by a trailblazing black, female entrepreneur in the heart of Polokwane, Limpopo Province our firm has quickly emerged as a beacon of legal excellence in South Africa. Our journey began with a passionate vision to provide top-tier legal services while championing diversity and inclusivity in the legal profession. We're proud to be a symbol of empowerment and representation, driven by a dedicated team of legal professionals who tirelessly advocate for our clients' rights. Our story is one of breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and making a positive impact in our community. At MJM Attorneys INC, we're not just a law firm; we're a testament to the strength that comes from embracing diversity and pursuing justice for all.

Our mission is to deliver cost-effective and efficient solutions to help you or your company thrive. We’re more than just attorneys – we’re trusted advisors. We love what we do.

What we do

Our dedicated team specialises in a wide array of legal services, with a strong emphasis on providing sound legal counsel and representation to our clients. From Family Law and Personal Injury cases to Property Transactions and Business Law matters, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. Our mission is to empower our clients with knowledge, protect their rights, and navigate the complexities of the legal landscape with integrity and expertise. With a rich heritage of legal excellence, we proudly serve our community and beyond, ensuring that justice is accessible to all.

Our philosophy is: Once a Client, Always a Client. We will be there to answer any questions you may have and to assist you when needed. We are a results-oriented firm. As such, we know that a successful relationship with a given client begins with the first point of contact. Our manner of service for our clients is rooted in a foundation of respect and open communication

Our legal team
Fortune Funnels: Kickstart 2024 with Estate Planning – Because Leaving a Legacy is the Classiest Resolution
By MJM Attorneys | |
Estate planning is a crucial step in securing your legacy and ensuring your wishes are honored. It provides peace of mind by safeguarding your assets, minimizing tax implications, facilitating a smooth transition of wealth to your loved ones.
High Court vs. Home Affairs: Two Ways to Register a Customary Marriage After Death
By Mary Jane Mphahlele | |
Did your spouse pass away before your customary marriage was registered? You still have legal options! Learn how to register your customary marriage posthumously through Home Affairs or a High Court application to secure your inheritance, pension benefits, and property rights. Read our step-by-step guide to protect your marital status today!
No “In Community of Property” for Second Wife, Court Rules
By Mary Jane Mphahlele | |
Think a second customary marriage automatically shares in the joint estate? Think again! Without Section 7(6) compliance, the first wife’s 50% share remains hers alone.
High Court Chooses Lobola Over Civil Vows: Customary Wife Prevails
By MJM Attorneys | |
Failing to legally dissolve your customary marriage can lead to devastating consequences, as seen in this Pretoria High Court case. A man’s secret second marriage was invalidated, leaving his civil union wife without legal rights to his estate. Always formalize divorces to avoid costly disputes and protect your future.
Driving Out of Debt: What You Need to Know About Surrendering Your Car
By MJM Attorneys | |
When you surrender your vehicle, the lender will typically sell it to recover the outstanding loan balance. Any shortfall (the difference between the sale price and the amount you owe) will still be your responsibility, but surrendering is often less damaging to your credit profile than forced repossession.
Wealth, Wives, and Legal Challenges: Estate Planning in Polygamous Marriages
By MJM Attorneys | |
Polygamous marriages in South Africa require careful navigation of legal frameworks to ensure the equitable distribution of assets. This case highlights the judiciary’s commitment to fairness and the importance of proactive estate planning.
DIY Divorce: I Do, I Did, I’m Done
By MJM Attorneys | |
Divorce doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive. Our comprehensive guide to DIY divorce walks you through every step of the process, from filing to finalizing, all while saving you time and money. Plus, we’ve included FREE summons forms to help you get started right away.